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Tags: RNA-seq
RNA sequencing (RNA-seq)
The relative ratio of late to early transcripts was subsequently estimated by calculation of normalized RPKM (reads per kilobase per million mapped reads) for each of the transcripts.
Based on the Juliane paper, "A Comprehensive Analysis of Replicating Merkel Cell Polyomavirus Genomes Delineates the Viral Transcription Program and Suggests a Role for mcv-miR-M1 in Episomal Persistence," particularly in the "RNA sequencing (RNA-seq)" methods section, they used strand-specific RNA sequencing. This explains why they are able to separate the coverage into blue (positive strand) and red (negative strand). The original text reads: "Library preparation for strand-specific RNA sequencing was carried out using the NEXTflex Directional RNA-Seq Kit (Bioo Scientific) according to the manufacturer’s instructions."
Unfortunately, your RNA-seq data is not strand-specific. Additionally, the primary focus of your sequencing is on the human genome, while the virus is a by-product, meaning we only have a very limited number of virus reads. For example, on average, there are only about 10 reads for VP1 and VP2 per sample. For this reason, creating a plot similar to the one in Juliane's paper, with separate coverage for positive and negative strands, is not feasible.
RNA-seq Tam on Acinetobacter baumannii strain ATCC 19606 CP059040.1 (Data_Tam_RNAseq_2024)
Deciphering S. aureus with metatranscriptomics (Marc's project)
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