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Tags: ChIP-seq
To generate a database file for the hg38 human genome assembly for use with the DiffReps tool, you will first need to download the hg38 annotation file in GTF or GFF format, and then convert it to the BED format that DiffReps accepts.
Here are the steps to create the database file:
Download the hg38 annotation file in GTF or GFF format from a reputable source like GENCODE or UCSC Genome Browser. For example, you can download the GTF file from GENCODE:
Install the necessary tools. In this case, we will use bedtools to convert GTF to BED format. You can install it using conda or any other package manager:
conda install -c bioconda bedtools
Convert the GTF file to the BED format:
bedtools gtf2bed -i gencode.v38.annotation.gtf > gencode.v38.annotation.bed
Replace "gencode.v38.annotation.gtf" with the name of the GTF file you downloaded in step 1.
The resulting "gencode.v38.annotation.bed" file can be used as a database file for the DiffReps analysis. Provide this file as input to the --db option when running DiffReps:
diffreps -tr treatment.bam -co control.bam -db gencode.v38.annotation.bed -o output_dir
Please note that these instructions are for generating a database file for hg38, but you can follow similar steps for other genome assemblies as well.
Normalization of RNA-seq and ChIP-seq data
Merkel细胞多瘤病毒大T抗原(LT)、截短的大T抗原(LTtr; MCC350)和小T抗原(sT)对初级新生儿人类真皮成纤维细胞(nHDFs)中的mRNA水平的影响
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