Clustering of Promoter Types Based on Motif Frequency and Distribution

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Tags: genomics, pipeline

To implement the clustering of promoter types based on motif frequency and distribution using Python, you can follow these steps:

  1. Import the required libraries:

    import pandas as pd
    import numpy as np
    from sklearn.cluster import KMeans
  2. Prepare your data:

    • Read the dataset containing motif frequency and distribution information for each promoter region into a Pandas DataFrame.
    • Make sure your dataset has columns for promoter regions, motif frequencies, and motif distributions on the + and - strands.
  3. Perform clustering:

    • Select the features (motif frequencies and distributions) that you want to use for clustering.
    • Normalize the selected features using Min-Max scaling or another appropriate method.
    • Choose the number of clusters (k) you want to create.
    • Apply the K-means clustering algorithm to cluster the data based on the selected features.
      # Select features for clustering
      features = ['motif_frequency', 'positive_strand_distribution', 'negative_strand_distribution']
      # Normalize the features
      normalized_data = (data[features] - data[features].min()) / (data[features].max() - data[features].min())
      # Apply K-means clustering
      kmeans = KMeans(n_clusters=k)
      clusters = kmeans.fit_predict(normalized_data)
  4. Analyze the clustering results:

    • Assign the cluster labels to the original dataset.

      data['cluster'] = clusters
    • Analyze the characteristics of each cluster, such as the average motif frequency and distribution, by grouping the data by cluster labels and calculating the mean values.

      cluster_means = data.groupby('cluster')[features].mean()
  5. Visualize the clustering results:

    • Create visualizations, such as scatter plots or bar plots, to show the distribution of motifs in different clusters.
    • Plot the average motif frequency and distribution for each cluster.

Remember to adjust the implementation based on your specific dataset and requirements. You may need to preprocess the data or use different clustering algorithms depending on your needs.

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