X-ray holographic microscopy

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X-ray holographic microscopy is a technique used to produce high-resolution, three-dimensional images of microscopic objects. The technique is based on the principles of holography, where the phase and amplitude of a wave are recorded to produce an image. In X-ray holography, this wave is an X-ray beam.

Traditional optical microscopy uses visible light to image an object, and the resolution of the image is limited by the wavelength of the light. X-rays have much shorter wavelengths than visible light, so X-ray microscopy can theoretically produce images with much higher resolution.

In X-ray holography, a coherent X-ray beam is split into two paths: one path interacts with the object being imaged, and the other path is used as a reference. The object wave and the reference wave are then combined to form a hologram. This hologram can be reconstructed to produce a 3D image of the object.

One major advantage of X-ray holographic microscopy is that it can be used to image thick samples and materials that are not transparent to visible light. However, the technique requires sophisticated equipment and careful sample preparation, and it can be difficult to interpret the resulting images.





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