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T cells and B cells interact in several ways as part of the immune response. Here's a general overview of their interaction:

Antigen presentation: When a pathogen invades the body, it is engulfed by a type of cell known as an antigen-presenting cell (APC). The APC processes the pathogen and displays fragments of it, known as antigens, on its surface. B cells can also act as antigen-presenting cells.

T cell activation: A type of T cell known as a helper T cell (Th cell) can recognize these antigens. The Th cell binds to the antigen, causing the T cell to become activated. This process usually requires additional signals from the APC, provided through other surface molecules.

B cell activation: Once activated, the Th cell can interact with B cells that are displaying the same antigen. The T cell releases signaling molecules known as cytokines, which help to activate the B cell.

Antibody production: Once activated, the B cell begins to proliferate and differentiate into plasma cells. These plasma cells produce antibodies that are specific to the antigen. These antibodies can then neutralize the pathogen or mark it for destruction by other immune cells.

Memory cells: Some of the B cells and T cells will differentiate into memory cells. These cells "remember" the antigen and can mount a rapid response if the same pathogen invades the body again.

So, the interaction between T cells and B cells is crucial for the adaptive immune response. It allows the immune system to mount a targeted response to specific pathogens and to remember those pathogens in case of future invasions.



T细胞激活:一种称为辅助T细胞(Th细胞)的T细胞可以识别这些抗原。Th细胞与抗原结合,导致T细胞被激活。这个过程通常需要APC提供的其他表面分子的额外信号。 CD4+ is a type of T cell often referred to as a helper T cell.







在这个上下文中,"表位(Epitope)"通常指的是抗原(即病原体蛋白质的一个部分)的一个特定区域,这个区域可以被免疫系统(特别是抗体或T细胞受体)识别和结合。当我们说"表位出现在T细胞上"时,实际上是指T细胞受体(TCR)能够识别并结合到抗原的这个特定区域,而不是把表位物质本身放在T细胞上。 在T细胞激活的过程中,T细胞受体(TCR)会识别和绑定到抗原呈递细胞(APC)表面的抗原表位,然后这个信息(即信号)会传递给T细胞,触发免疫反应。因此,我们可以说,表位是抗原在与T细胞相互作用时所起的关键作用。

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