DNA-damage specific ubiquitination

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- 泛素化:这是一种翻译后修饰过程,其中一个名为泛素的小蛋白质共价地附加到目标蛋白质上的赖氨酸残基上。这个过程由一系列酶进行:E1(泛素激活酶),E2(泛素结合酶)和E3(泛素连接酶)。这些酶通过级联反应将泛素从E1转移到E2,最终通过E3的作用转移到目标蛋白上。

- DNA损伤:DNA可以由各种因素损伤,如紫外线辐射、化学试剂和代谢副产品。当检测到这种损伤时,细胞启动DDR以修复DNA并防止在细胞分裂过程中传播错误。

- 泛素化在DDR中的作用:对DNA损伤的响应中,涉及DDR途径的特定蛋白质被泛素化。这种泛素化可以具有几种功能:
    * 信号传导:泛素化可以改变被修饰蛋白的功能,激活或失活酶,或作为其他蛋白质识别并结合到受损部位的信号。
    * 招募:它可以帮助招募DNA修复蛋白到损伤部位。例如,泛素链可以被具有泛素结合域的蛋白质识别,导致它们在DNA损伤部位累积。
    * 蛋白酶体降解:在某些情况下,泛素化将蛋白质靶向蛋白酶体降解,蛋白酶体是一个大型的蛋白质复合体,负责降解和回收蛋白质。这可以帮助调节DDR中涉及的蛋白质水平或移除可能妨碍修复过程的蛋白质。

- 泛素链的类型:泛素链的性质(例如,泛素分子之间的连接类型)可以决定泛素化的结果。不同的连接可以导致目标蛋白质的不同命运,包括蛋白酶体降解、蛋白质相互作用的变化或活性的改变。


Rad51 Foci and UL36DUB: The formation of Rad51 foci, which are crucial for DNA repair, is not impacted by the deubiquitinating activity of UL36, a protein found in herpesviruses.

DUB Activity in Human Herpesviruses: The deubiquitinating (DUB) activity, which involves the removal of ubiquitin from proteins, is a conserved function across human herpesviruses, influencing their interaction with host cells.

Role of ICP0 in the DNA damage response

Rad51 foci refer to the visible aggregations or clusters of the Rad51 protein within the nucleus of a cell, typically observed using fluorescence microscopy. Rad51 is a crucial protein involved in the homologous recombination repair pathway, a mechanism used by cells to repair double-strand breaks in DNA. The formation of Rad51 foci is an important cellular response to DNA damage, particularly during the S and G2 phases of the cell cycle. Here's a bit more detail:

- Function of Rad51: Rad51 plays a central role in the search for homology and strand pairing during homologous recombination. It forms a nucleoprotein filament on single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) that is essential for the homologous pairing and strand exchange with a complementary DNA strand. This process is critical for accurate DNA repair.

- Formation of Rad51 Foci: In response to DNA damage, particularly double-strand breaks, Rad51 is recruited to the sites of damage and forms nuclear foci. These foci represent the active sites where DNA repair is taking place.

- Detection of Rad51 Foci: Rad51 foci can be visualized using immunofluorescence techniques, where antibodies specific to Rad51 are used, followed by detection with fluorescent dyes. The presence and number of these foci in a cell can be indicative of the cell’s ability to repair DNA damage effectively.

- Clinical Relevance: The formation of Rad51 foci can be used as a biomarker for assessing the proficiency of homologous recombination repair in cells. This has implications in cancer biology, as cells deficient in homologous recombination repair (such as those lacking functional BRCA1 or BRCA2) exhibit impaired formation of Rad51 foci. These cells are more susceptible to certain types of chemotherapy, such as PARP inhibitors.

In summary, Rad51 foci are indicators of active DNA repair processes within the cell, and their study is important in understanding cellular responses to DNA damage, as well as in the context of cancer diagnosis and treatment.

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