- This pipeline is designed to take paired end reads in fastq format, trim adapters and low-quality base pairs positions, and merge read pairs (R1 & R2) that overlap.
- A mapping step to the reference genome (user defined) assigns joined reads to all major RNA biotypes including miRNA and isomiRs, tRNA fragments (tRFs) and piwi associated RNAs (piRNAs).
- Then, XICRA produces a miRNA analysis at the isomiR level using joined reads, with several choices of software that can be selected by the user with standardized output.
- Results are generated for each sample, analyzed and summarized for all samples in a single expression matrix.
- This information can be processed at the miRNA or isomiR level (single sequence) but also summarizing for each isomiR variant type.
- Statistical summaries can be easily accessed using the accompanied R package XICRA.stats (
Although the pipeline is designed to take paired-end reads, it also accepts single-end reads.
XICRA uses cutadapt [30] for the adapter trimming analysis.
- Default trimming preset parameter settings are: to keep all reads regardless of whether the adapter is found or not, a 10% maximum adapter matching error rate (mismatches, insertions and deletions), and a 3 bp minimum overlap length.
- User must provide specific adapter sequences for the trimming analysis.
- An optional previous quality checking step can be performed for each sample using FastQC [31] before the trimming analysis.
Results are summarized for all samples using MultiQC software [32].
Once all reads are adapter trimmed, the tool uses fastq-join from ea-utils [33] to join the two PE reads, if provided, on the overlapping ends.
- Apart from the joined reads, this tool also generates two files with the R1 and R2 reads that cannot be joined.
- As a default the minimum overlap is set to 6 bp and the maximum allowed difference for the reads to be joined is set to 0% to retain 100% matching read pairs ensuring high quality sequencing information.
Parameters can be modified using the different options provided.
The XICRA pipeline can continue to process either joined PE reads or SR reads.
- Two levels of mapping are implemented. The first level profiles RNA biotypes using STAR [34] to map reads against the reference genome and featureCounts [35] to extract and quantify numbers of reads by class. The second level focuses specifically on small RNA subclasses.
Here we describe the miRNA analysis implemented within XICRA but the modularity and versatility of the pipeline would make it quite straightforward to include other RNA biotypes analyses in detail.
For miRNAs analysis at the isomiR resolution level, XICRA allows the user to use either miraligner [26], sRNAbench from sRNAtoolbox [27] or OPTIMIR [28].
- Each software uses different strategies and might produce different results [36].
- We have included them as they allow following standardization procedures performed by miRTOP software and adopt the miR.gff3 file format [37].
- Again, the pipeline modular implementation would allow adding additional softwares converging and adapting to miRTOP and miR.gff3 format.
- For each of the softwares mentioned above and included within the miRNA module in XICRA default parameters are used.
- Some of these parameters can be modified using the different options provided.
- As a result of this miRNA module, annotation is generated that categorizes isomiRs into classes based on their sequence modifications (including iso_5p, iso_3p, iso_add, iso_snv, iso_snv_seed, iso_snv_central_offset, iso_snv_central, iso_snv_central_suppl) following miRTOP suggested classification scheme.
- A final conversion step from individual per sample miR.gff3 files into a single expression matrix is performed.
- This file serves as input for differential expression (DE) analysis.
- Information is provided for each unique sequence and indexed names contain the miRNA, the variant type and license plate (unique identifier, UID) provided by miRTOP.
- Duplicated entries at the sequence level, produced by different modifications from the same or different miRNA are discarded.
An additional matrix is provided containing the sequence information for each encrypted UID.
Per sample read count matrices at the isomiR level are summarized into a single expression matrix that it serves as input for DE analysis between the comparison groups of interest.
- We have generated an additional R package (XICRA.stats) that facilitates the retrieval of these matrices and parses the information included within each unique index name provided.
- The DE analysis can be done aggregating data at the mature miRNA level (i.e. hsa-miR-501-3p), by isomiR class (i.e. hsa-miR-501-3p_iso_5p), by specific length variant cluster (i.e. hsa-miR-501-3p_iso_3p:-2) or with the sequence of the read itself as the counting data.
- This is useful since different types of modification may coexist in a single sequence, and non-templated additions and internally edited sequences can differ leading to isomiRs that can fall into different categories or be derived from different mature miRNAs.
- DE analysis is performed outside of the tool with DESeq2 package in R [38].
Types of small RNAs
piRNA(Piwi-interacting RNA):进行差异表达分析同样有意义,尤其是在研究生殖细胞、干细胞和癌症等领域。piRNAs与转座子的沉默和基因组稳定性维护有关,因此分析其差异表达有助于揭示它们在这些过程中的作用。
通过将 cDNA 测序读段映射到人类基因组上,我们能否确定这些读段是否来源于 circRNA?
可以通过将 cDNA 的 reads 映射到人类基因组上来帮助确定它们是否来源于 circRNA。在 circRNA 的研究中,这种映射过程中寻找的关键特征是反向剪接事件,也就是说,寻找那些正常线性剪接顺序被反向连接的 reads。
在标准的基因表达研究中,mRNA 被逆转录成 cDNA,然后生成的测序 reads 通常会映射到基因组的连续区域以表示线性剪接事件。然而,对于 circRNA,由于它们是由反向剪接形成的,因此具有独特的“头尾相连”的结构。在测序数据中,这些反向剪接或“头尾相连”的事件会导致 reads 映射到基因组的非连续区域,即一个 exon 的末尾连接到另一个 exon 的开始,这与正常的线性剪接顺序不同。
通过检测这种非典型的、非连续的映射模式,可以推断出 reads 来自于 circRNA。需要专门的生物信息学工具和算法来识别这些特殊的映射模式,从而鉴定出 circRNAs。这些工具能够识别跨越独特的反向剪接点的 reads,帮助研究者确定哪些 reads 来自 circRNAs。