Co-Authorship Network Visualization in Python

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The Python script creates a co-authorship network using NetworkX, where: * Nodes are authors. * Edges represent co-authorship.

  1. It visualizes the network using matplotlib.

    import networkx as nx
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    import bibtexparser
    import re
    # Helper function to clean special characters from strings
    def clean_string(s):
        s = s.replace('.', '')  # Remove periods
        s = re.sub(r'[{}]', '', s)  # Remove curly braces used in BibTeX formatting
        s = re.sub(r'\\[a-zA-Z]{1,2}', '', s)  # Remove LaTeX commands (e.g., \textcopyright)
        return ' '.join([n for n in s.split(' ') if len(n) > 1])  # Remove single-letter names
    # Load the .bib file
    with open('Pure_publikationen_19.09.24_simpfied.bib', 'r') as bibtex_file:
        bib_database = bibtexparser.load(bibtex_file)
    internal_authors = ["Jiabin Huang", "Nicole Fischer", "Denise Ohnezeit", "Jiabin Huang", "Ute Westerkamp", "Veronika Brinschwitz", "Claudia Schmidt", "Manja Czech-Sioli", "Samira Weißelberg", "Tabea Schlemeyer", "Nicole Fischer", "Laura Berneking", "Indra Bekere", "Sören Rob", "Marie Schnapp", "Jiabin Huang", "Klaus Ruckdeschel", "Martin Aepfelbacher", "Anna Both", "Jiabin Huang", "Martin Aepfelbacher", "Holger Rohde", "Martin Christner Anna Both", "Jiabin Huang", "Martin Christner", "T. O. Klatte", "Martin Aepfelbacher", "Holger Rohde", "Holger Rohde", "Jiabin Huang", "Luise Brakert", "Laura Berneking", "Anna Both", "Benjamin Berinson", "Jiabin Huang", "Martin Aepfelbacher", "Christine Wolschke", "Dominic Wichmann", "Holger Rohde", "Holger Rohde", "Jiabin Huang", "Swantje Gundlach", "Jiabin Huang", "Marc Lütgehetmann", "Nicole Fischer Anna Both", "Florian Kruse", "Nadine Mirwald", "Gefion Franke", "Martin Christner", "Jiabin Huang", "Jan Lennart Hansen", "Nicolaus-Martin Kröger", "Laura Berneking", "H. Lellek", "Martin Aepfelbacher", "Holger Rohde", "Jiabin Huang", "Nicole Fischer", "Jiabin Huang", "Nicole Fischer", "Jiabin Huang", "Nicole Fischer", "Jiabin Huang", "Nicole Fischer", "Jiabin Huang", "Anna Both", "Jiabin Huang", "Minyue Qi", "Samira Weißelberg", "Henning Büttner", "S. Lezius", "Antonio Failla", "Martin Christner", "Malik Alawi", "Martin Aepfelbacher", "Holger Rohde", "Jiabin Huang", "Jiabin Huang", "K. Giersch", "L. Hermanussen", "T. Volz", "A. Volmari", "L. Allweiss", "Jiabin Huang", "Nicole Fischer", "Marc Lütgehetmann", "M. Dandri", "I. Stelzer", "C. Urbschat", "S. Schepanski", "K. Thiele", "I. Triviai", "A. Wieczorek", "Malik Alawi", "Denise Ohnezeit", "J. Kottlau", "Jiabin Huang", "Nicole Fischer", "H-W. Mittrücker", "M. E. Solano", "B. Fehse", "A. Diemert", "F. Stahl", "P. Arck", "Indra Bekere", "Jiabin Huang", "Marie Schnapp", "Maren Rudolph", "Laura Berneking", "Klaus Ruckdeschel", "Nicole Fischer", "Martin Aepfelbacher", "Susanne Pfefferle", "Jiabin Huang", "Dominik Nörz", "Marc Lütgehetmann", "Martin Aepfelbacher", "Nicole Fischer", "Susanne Pfefferle", "Robin Kobbe", "Manja Czech-Sioli", "Dominik Nörz", "R. Santer", "J. Oh", "S. Kluge", "K. Peldschus", "Jiabin Huang", "Martin Aepfelbacher", "Johannes Knobloch", "Marc Lütgehetmann", "Nicole Fischer", "Nicole Fischer", "Jiabin Huang", "Marc Lütgehetmann", "C. Iking-Konert L. Guo", "Jiabin Huang", "M. Chen", "E. Piotrowski", "N. Song", "G. Zahner", "H-J. Paust", "Malik Alawi", "F. Thaiss", "Anna Both", "Henning Büttner", "Jiabin Huang", "M. Perbandt", "C. Belmar Campos", "Martin Christner", "F. P. Maurer", "S. Kluge", "C. König", "Martin Aepfelbacher", "Dominic Wichmann", "Holger Rohde", "C. F. Krebs", "H-J. Paust", "S. Krohn", "T. Koyro", "S. R. Brix", "J-H. Riedel", "Patricia Bartsch", "Thorsten Wiech", "C. Meyer-Schwesinger", "Jiabin Huang", "Nicole Fischer", "C. P. Busch", "H-W. Mittrücker", "L. G. Perez", "U. O. Wenzel", "M. Janneck", "O. M. Steinmetz", "Nicola Gagliani", "Rolf Stahl", "Samuel Huber", "J-E. Turner", "Ulf Panzer", "Anna Both", "Jiabin Huang", "Henning Büttner", "Martin Aepfelbacher", "Holger Rohde", "Moritz Hentschke", "Jiabin Huang", "Jiabin Huang", "Jiabin Huang", "Jiabin Huang", "Björn Voß"]
    internal_authors = list(set(internal_authors))
    # Create an empty graph
    G = nx.Graph()
    #print("Nodes:", G.nodes())
    #print("Edges:", G.edges())
    #The first entry:
    #{'author': 'Sake, Svenja M and Xiaoyu Zhang and Rajak, Manoj Kumar and Melanie Urbanek-Quaing and Arnaud Carpentier and Gunesch, Antonia P and Christina Grethe and Alina Matthaei and Jessica Rückert and Marie Galloux and Thibaut Larcher and Le Goffic, Ronan and Fortune Hontonnou and Chatterjee, Arnab K and Kristen Johnson and Kaycie Morwood and Katharina Rox and Elgaher, Walid A M and Jiabin Huang and Martin Wetzke and Gesine Hansen and Nicole Fischer and Jean-Francois Elouët and Marie-Anne Rameix-Welti and Hirsch, Anna K H and Elisabeth Herold and Martin Empting and Chris Lauber and Thomas Krey and Sibylle Haid and Thomas Pietschmann', 'title': 'Drug repurposing screen identifies lonafarnib as respiratory syncytial virus fusion protein inhibitor', 'ENTRYTYPE': 'article', 'ID': '23fb542b9ca640f791bac65fcc137b9e'}
    # Iterate through each entry in the bibtex file
    for entry in bib_database.entries:
        title = entry.get('title', '').replace(':', ' ')
        #title = clean_string(f"Paper/{title}")
        authors = entry.get('author', '').split(' and ')  # Authors are separated by 'and' in BibTeX
        for author in authors:
            #author = clean_string(f"Author/{author}")
            if author in internal_authors:
                G.add_edge(author, title)
    ## Try different layout engines if 'sfdp' is problematic
    #    pos = nx.nx_pydot.graphviz_layout(G, prog='sfdp')
    #except AssertionError:
    #    print("Error with sfdp layout, switching to 'dot' layout.")
    #    pos = nx.nx_pydot.graphviz_layout(G, prog='dot')  # Fallback to 'dot'
        pos = nx.nx_pydot.graphviz_layout(G, prog='sfdp')
    except Exception as e:
        print("Error generating layout:", e)
        pos = nx.spring_layout(G)  # Fallback to another layout
    for node in G.nodes():
        if isinstance(node, str):
            G.nodes[node]['label'] = node.replace(' ', '_').replace('/', '_')
    print("Nodes in the graph:", G.nodes())
    # Determine maximum length for author nodes
    max_len = max([len(n) for n in G.nodes() if n in internal_authors])
    plt.figure(figsize=(48, 36))
    #plot nodes for authors
    nx.draw_networkx_nodes(G, pos,
        #nodelist=[n for n in G.nodes() if n.startswith('Author/')],
        nodelist=[n for n in G.nodes() if n in internal_authors],
    #plot nodes for publications
    nx.draw_networkx_nodes(G, pos,
        nodelist=[n for n in G.nodes() if n not in internal_authors],
    nx.draw_networkx_edges(G, pos)
    nx.draw_networkx_labels(G, pos,
        labels={n: n.split('/')[-1].replace(' ', '\n') for n in G.nodes() if n in internal_authors},
        font_color='w', font_size=10, font_weight='bold', font_family='serif') #font_family='sans-serif')
    #'serif': Uses a serif typeface (e.g., Times New Roman).
    #'sans-serif': Uses a sans-serif typeface (e.g., Helvetica, Arial).
    #'monospace': Uses a monospace typeface (e.g., Courier New).
    #'DejaVu Sans': A popular sans-serif typeface available in many environments.
    #'Arial': A widely available sans-serif typeface.
    #'Times New Roman': A classic serif typeface.
    #'Comic Sans MS': A casual sans-serif typeface.
    # Save the plot as a PNG file
    #, bbox_inches="tight"
    plt.savefig("co_author_network.png", format="png")
    #convert Figure_2.png -crop 1340x750+315+135 co_author_network_cropped_2.png
  2. Imported bib-file

      title     = "Drug repurposing screen identifies lonafarnib as respiratory syncytial virus fusion protein inhibitor",
      author    = "Sake, Svenja M and Xiaoyu Zhang and Rajak, Manoj Kumar and Melanie Urbanek-Quaing and Arnaud Carpentier and Gunesch, Antonia P and Christina Grethe and Alina Matthaei and Jessica Rückert and Marie Galloux and Thibaut Larcher and Le Goffic, Ronan and Fortune Hontonnou and Chatterjee, Arnab K and Kristen Johnson and Kaycie Morwood and Katharina Rox and Elgaher, Walid A M and Jiabin Huang and Martin Wetzke and Gesine Hansen and Nicole Fischer and Jean-Francois Elouët and Marie-Anne Rameix-Welti and Hirsch, Anna K H and Elisabeth Herold and Martin Empting and Chris Lauber and Thomas Krey and Sibylle Haid and Thomas Pietschmann",
      title     = "Merkel cell polyomavirus small tumor antigen contributes to immune evasion by interfering with type I interferon signaling",
      author    = "Denise Ohnezeit and Jiabin Huang and Ute Westerkamp and Veronika Brinschwitz and Claudia Schmidt and Thomas Günther and Manja Czech-Sioli and Samira Weißelberg and Tabea Schlemeyer and Jacqueline Nakel and Julia Mai and Sabrina Schreiner and Carola Schneider and Caroline C Friedel and Hella Schwanke and Melanie M Brinkmann and Adam Grundhoff and Nicole Fischer",
      title     = "A bacterial effector protein promotes nuclear translocation of Stat3 to induce IL-10.",
      author    = "L Berneking and I Bekere and S Rob and M Schnapp and J Huang and K Ruckdeschel and M Aepfelbacher",
      title     = "First case of bloodstream infection caused by Mixta hanseatica sp. nov., a novel species within the Mixta genus of the Erwiniaceae family",
      author    = "Anna Both and Jiabin Huang and Philipp Wenzel and Martin Aepfelbacher and Holger Rohde and Martin Christner and Moritz Hentschke",
      title     = "Genomics of Invasive Cutibacterium acnes Isolates from Deep-Seated Infections",
      author    = "Anna Both and Jiabin Huang and Moritz Hentschke and David Tobys and Martin Christner and Till Orla Klatte and Harald Seifert and Martin Aepfelbacher and Holger Rohde"
      title     = "IKK1 aggravates ischemia-reperfusion kidney injury by promoting the differentiation of effector T cells",
      author    = "Ning Song and Yang Xu and Hans-Joachim Paust and Ulf Panzer and Maria de las Mercedes Noriega and Linlin Guo and Thomas Renne and Jiabin Huang and Xianglin Meng and Mingyan Zhao and Friedrich Thaiss"
      title     = "Pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic evaluation of tigecycline dosing in a hollow fiber infection model against clinical bla-KPC producing Klebsiella Pneumoniae isolates",
      author    = "Lisa F. Amann and Astrid Broeker and Maria Riedner and Holger Rohde and Jiabin Huang and Patrice Nordmann and Jean-Winoc Decousser and Sebastian G. Wicha"
      title     = "Rapid Development of cefiderocol resistance in a carbapenem-resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolate associated with mutations in the pyoverdine biosynthesis pathway",
      author    = "Luise Brakert and Laura Berneking and Anna Both and Benjamin Berinson and Jiabin Huang and Martin Aepfelbacher and Christine Wolschke and Dominic Wichmann and Holger Rohde"
      title     = "A pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic (PKPD) model-based analysis of tedizolid against enterococci using the hollow-fibre infection model",
      author    = "Khalid Iqbal and Holger Rohde and Jiabin Huang and Tjokosela Tikiso and Lisa Amann and Markus Zeitlinger and Sebastian Wicha"
      title     = "Mechanisms of CD8+ T cell failure in chronic hepatitis E virus infection",
      author    = "Janine Kemming and Swantje Gundlach and Marcus Panning and Daniela Huzly and Jiabin Huang and Marc Lü tgehetmann and Nicole Fischer and Christoph Neumann-Haefelin"
      title     = "Population dynamics in colonizing vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus faecium isolated from immunosuppressed patients",
      author    = "Anna Both and Florian Kruse and Nadine Mirwald and Gefion Franke and Martin Christner and Jiabin Huang and Jan Lennart Hansen and Nicolaus Kröger and Laura Berneking and Heinrich Lellek and Martin Aepfelbacher and Holger Rohde"
      title     = "Respiratory Syncytial Virus Two-Step Infection Screen Reveals Inhibitors of Early and Late Life Cycle Stages",
      author    = "Svenja M Sake and Christina Kosch and Sebastian Blockus and Sibylle Haid and Antonia P Gunesch and Xiaoyu Zhang and Martina Friesland and Sofie B Trummer and Christina Grethe and Anne Kühnel and Jessica Rückert and W Paul Duprex and Jiabin Huang and Marie-Anne Rameix-Welti and Martin Empting and Nicole Fischer and Anna K H Hirsch and Thomas F Schulz and Thomas Pietschmann"
      title     = "Target capture sequencing reveals a monoclonal outbreak of respiratory syncytial virus B infections among adult hematologic patients",
      author    = "Claas Baier and Jiabin Huang and Kerstin Reumann and Daniela Indenbirken and Felicitas Thol and Christian Koenecke and Ella Ebadi and Albert Heim and Franz-Christoph Bange and Sibylle Haid and Thomas Pietschmann and Nicole Fischer"
      title     = "An inter-laboratory study to investigate the impact of the bioinformatics component on microbiome analysis using mock communities",
      author    = "Denise O'Sullivan and Ronan Doyle and Sasithon Temisak and Nicholas Redshaw and Alexandra Whale and Grace Logan and Jiabin Huang and Nicole Fischer and Gregory Amos and Mark Preston and Julian Marchesi and Josef Wagner and Julian Parkhill and Yair Motro and Hubert Denise and Robert Finn and Gemma Kay and Justin O'Grady and Emma Ransom-Jones and Huihai Wu and Emma Laing and Ernest Benavente and Jody Phelan and Taane Clark and Jacob Moran-Gilad and Jim Huggett"
      title     = "Benchmark of thirteen bioinformatic pipelines for metagenomic virus diagnostics using datasets from clinical samples",
      author    = "Jutte J. C. de Vries and Julianne R Brown and Nicole Fischer and Igor A Sidorov and Sofia Morfopoulou and Bas B Oude Munnink and Arzu Sayiner and Alihan Bulgurcu and Christophe Rodriguez and Guillaume Gricourt and Els Keyaerts and Leen Beller and Claudia Bachofen and Jakub Kubacki and Cordey Samuel and Laubscher Florian and Schmitz Dennis and Martin Beer and Dirk Hoeper and Michael Huber and Verena Kufner and Maryam Zaheri and Aitana Lebrand and Anna Papa and Sander van Boheemen and Aloys C M Kroes and Judith Breuer and F Xavier Lopez-Labrador and Eric C J Claas and ESCV Network on Next-Generation Sequencing"
      title     = "Complete genome sequencing and molecular characterization of SARS-COV-2 from COVID-19 cases in Alborz province in Iran",
      author    = "Amir Kaffashi and Jiabin Huang and Amir Bairami and Mohammad Hossein Fallah Mehrabadi and Somayeh Yaslianifard and Mohsen Bashashati and S Reza Banihashemi and Fatemeh Soleimanifar and Mohsen Lotfi and Morteza Taghizadeh and Alireza Soleimani and Akbar Khorasani and Farzaneh Moshiri and Sayed-Hamidreza Mozhgani"
      title     = "Distinct clonal lineages and within-host diversification shape invasive Staphylococcus epidermidis populations",
      author    = "Anna Both and Jiabin Huang and Minyue Qi and Christian Lausmann and Samira Weißelberg and Henning Büttner and Susanne Lezius and Antonio Virgilio Failla and Martin Christner and Marc Stegger and Thorsten Gehrke and Sharmin Baig and Mustafa Citak and Malik Alawi and Martin Aepfelbacher and Holger Rohde"
      title     = "Reducing the search space in RNA helix based folding. European Conference on Computational Biology",
      author    = "Jiabin Huang and Björn Voß"
      title     = "Simulation of Folding Kinetics for Aligned RNAs",
      author    = "Jiabin Huang and Björn Voß"
      title     = "Strong Replication Interference Between Hepatitis Delta Viruses in Human Liver Chimeric Mice",
      author    = "Katja Giersch and Lennart Hermanussen and Tassilo Volz and Annika Volmari and Lena Allweiss and Camille Sureau and John Casey and Jiabin Huang and Nicole Fischer and Marc Lütgehetmann and Maura Dandri"
      title     = "Vertically transferred maternal immune cells promote neonatal immunity against early life infections",
      author    = "Ina Stelzer and Christopher Urbschat and Steven Schepanski and Kristin Thiele and Ioanna Triviai and Agnes Wieczorek and Malik Alawi and Denise Ohnezeit and Julian Kottlau and Jiabin Huang and Nicole Fischer and Hans-Willi Mittrücker and Maria Emilia Solano and Boris Fehse and Anke Diemert and Felix Stahl and Petra Arck"
      title     = "Yersinia remodels epigenetic histone modifications in human macrophages",
      author    = "Indra Bekere and Jiabin Huang and Marie Schnapp and Maren Rudolph and Laura Berneking and Klaus Ruckdeschel and Adam Grundhoff and Thomas Günther and Nicole Fischer and Martin Aepfelbacher"
      title     = "Complete Genome Sequence of a SARS-CoV-2 Strain Isolated in Northern Germany",
      author    = "Susanne Pfefferle and Jiabin Huang and Dominik Nörz and Daniela Indenbirken and Marc Lütgehetmann and Lisa Oestereich and Thomas Günther and Adam Grundhoff and Martin Aepfelbacher and Nicole Fischer"
      title     = "SARS Coronavirus-2 variant tracing within the first Coronavirus Disease 19 clusters in northern Germany",
      author    = "Susanne Pfefferle and Thomas Günther and Robin Kobbe and Manja Czech-Sioli and Dominic Nörz and René Santer and Jun Oh and Stefan Kluge and Lisa Oestereich and Kersten Peldschus and Daniela Indenbirken and Jiabin Huang and Adam Grundhoff and Martin Aepfelbacher and Johannes K. Knobloch and Marc Lütgehetmann and Nicole Fischer"
      title     = "Changes in the composition of the upper respiratory tract microbial community in granulomatosis with polyangiitis",
      author    = "Peter Lamprecht and Nicole Fischer and Jiabin Huang and Lia Burkhardt and Marc Lütgehetmann and Fabian Arndt and Ida Rolfs and Anja Kerstein and Christof Iking-Konert and Martin Laudien"
      title     = "T-lymphocyte-specific knockout of IKK-2 or NEMO induces T17 cells in an experimental nephrotoxic nephritis mouse model",
      author    = "Linlin Guo and Jiabin Huang and Meilan Chen and Eveline Piotrowski and Ning Song and Gunther Zahner and Hans-Joachim Paust and Malik Alawi and Robert Geffers and Friedrich Thaiss"
      title     = "Emergence of ceftazidime/avibactam non-susceptibility in an MDR Klebsiella pneumoniae isolate",
      author    = "Anna Both and Henning Büttner and Jiabin Huang and Markus Perbandt and Cristina Belmar Campos and Martin Christner and Florian P. Maurer and Stefan Kluge and Christina König and Martin Aepfelbacher and Dominic Wichmann and Holger Rohde"
      title     = "Autoimmune Renal Disease Is Exacerbated by S1P-Receptor-1-Dependent Intestinal Th17 Cell Migration to the Kidney",
      author    = "Christian F. Krebs and Hans-Joachim Paust and Sonja Krohn and Tobias Koyro and Silke R. Brix and Jan-Hendrik Riedel and Patricia Bartsch and Thorsten Wiech and Catherine Meyer-Schwesinger and Jiabin Huang and Nicole Fischer and Christoph Philipp Busch and Hans-Willi Mittrücker and Ulrich Steinhoff and Brigitta Stockinger and Laura Garcia Perez and Ulrich O. Wenzel and Matthias Janneck and Oliver M. Steinmetz and Nicola Gagliani and Rolf A. K. Stahl and Samuel Huber and Jan-Eric Turner and Ulf Panzer"
      title     = "First report of Escherichia coli co-producing NDM-1 and OXA-232",
      author    = "Anna Both and Jiabin Huang and Martin Kaase and Julia Hezel and Daniel Wertheimer and Ines Fenner and Thomas Günther and Adam Grundhoff and Henning Büttner and Martin Aepfelbacher and Holger Rohde and Moritz Hentschke"
      title     = "Analysing RNA-kinetics based on folding space abstraction",
      author    = "Jiabin Huang and Björn Voß"
      title     = "RNA folding space analysis using structure abstraction",
      author    = "Jiabin Huang"
      title     = "Abstract folding space analysis based on helices",
      author    = "Jiabin Huang and Rolf Backofen and Björn Voß"
      title     = "RNAHeliCes -- Folding space analysis based on position aware structure abstraction",
      author    = "Jiabin Huang and Björn Voß"

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