Typing of S. epidermidis samples (HDMx samples)

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Classification of Staphylococcal Cassette Chromosome mec (SCCmec): Guidelines for Reporting Novel SCCmec Elements

mec gene complex.

IS1272 is part of the IS1182 family of insertion sequences

  • The mec gene complex is composed of mecA, its regulatory genes, and associated insertion sequences.
  • The class A mec gene complex (class A mec) is the prototype complex, which contains mecA, the complete mecR1 and mecI regulatory genes upstream of mecA, and the hypervariable region (HVR) and insertion sequence IS431 downstream of mecA.
    • The class B mec gene complex is composed of mecA, a truncated mecR1 resulting from the insertion of IS1272 upstream of mecA, and [HVR and IS431 downstream of mecA].
  • The class C mec gene complex contains mecA and truncated mecR1 by the insertion of IS431 upstream of mecA and HVR and IS431 downstream of mecA.
  • There are two distinct class C mec gene complexes; in the class C1 mec gene complex, the IS431 upstream of mecA has the same orientation as the IS431 downstream of mecA (next to HVR), while in the class C2 mec gene complex, the orientation of IS431 upstream of mecA is reversed.
  • C1 and C2 are regarded as different mec gene complexes since they have likely evolved independently.
  • The class D mec gene complex is composed of mecA and ΔmecR1 but does not carry an insertion sequence downstream of ΔmecR1 (as determined by PCR analysis).
  • Several variants within the major classes of the mec gene complex have been described, including insertions of IS431 or IS1182 upstream of mecA in the class A mec gene complex or insertion of Tn4001 upstream of mecA in the class B mec complex.

  • run with bengal3

    cd ~/DATA/Data_Denise_CalCov1
    cp bacto-0.1.json ../Data_Denise_CalCov2
    cp cluster.json ../Data_Denise_CalCov2
    cp Snakefile ../Data_Denise_CalCov2
    ln -s /home/jhuang/Tools/bacto/local .
    ln -s /home/jhuang/Tools/bacto/db .
    ln -s /home/jhuang/Tools/bacto/envs .
    mkdir raw_data; cd raw_data
    ln -s ../Alignment_Imported_1/20240913_174420/Fastq/HDM7_S1_L001_R1_001.fastq.gz HDM7_R1.fastq.gz
    ln -s ../Alignment_Imported_1/20240913_174420/Fastq/HDM7_S1_L001_R2_001.fastq.gz HDM7_R2.fastq.gz
    ln -s ../Alignment_Imported_1/20240913_174420/Fastq/HDM10_S2_L001_R1_001.fastq.gz HDM10_R1.fastq.gz
    ln -s ../Alignment_Imported_1/20240913_174420/Fastq/HDM10_S2_L001_R2_001.fastq.gz HDM10_R2.fastq.gz
    ln -s ../20240812_FS10003086_50_BSB09416-2831/Alignment_Imported_1/20240813_202730/Fastq/HDM1_S1_L001_R1_001.fastq.gz HDM1_R1.fastq.gz
    ln -s ../20240812_FS10003086_50_BSB09416-2831/Alignment_Imported_1/20240813_202730/Fastq/HDM1_S1_L001_R2_001.fastq.gz HDM1_R2.fastq.gz
    ln -s ../20240913/Alignment_Imported_1/20240913_174420/Fastq/HDM7_S1_L001_R1_001.fastq.gz HDM7_R1.fastq.gz
    ln -s ../20240913/Alignment_Imported_1/20240913_174420/Fastq/HDM7_S1_L001_R2_001.fastq.gz HDM7_R2.fastq.gz
    ln -s ../20240913/Alignment_Imported_1/20240913_174420/Fastq/HDM10_S2_L001_R1_001.fastq.gz HDM10_R1.fastq.gz
    ln -s ../20240913/Alignment_Imported_1/20240913_174420/Fastq/HDM10_S2_L001_R2_001.fastq.gz HDM10_R2.fastq.gz
    ln -s ../20240919_FS10003086_61_BSB09416-2735/Alignment_Imported_1/20240920_173408/Fastq/HDM11-SF1_S1_L001_R1_001.fastq.gz HDM11-SF1_R1.fastq.gz
    ln -s ../20240919_FS10003086_61_BSB09416-2735/Alignment_Imported_1/20240920_173408/Fastq/HDM11-SF1_S1_L001_R2_001.fastq.gz HDM11-SF1_R2.fastq.gz
    ln -s ../20240919_FS10003086_61_BSB09416-2735/Alignment_Imported_1/20240920_173408/Fastq/HDM15-SF2_S2_L001_R1_001.fastq.gz HDM15-SF2_R1.fastq.gz
    ln -s ../20240919_FS10003086_61_BSB09416-2735/Alignment_Imported_1/20240920_173408/Fastq/HDM15-SF2_S2_L001_R2_001.fastq.gz HDM15-SF2_R2.fastq.gz
    # only activate the steps assembly and mlst in bacto-0.1.json.
    (bengal3_ac3) jhuang@WS-2290C:~/Documents$ /home/jhuang/miniconda3/envs/snakemake_4_3_1/bin/snakemake --printshellcmds
    # -- Results --
    shovill/HDM1/contigs.fa sepidermidis    5       arcC(1) aroE(1) gtr(1)  mutS(2) pyrR(2) tpiA(1) yqiL(1)
    HDM10.mlst.txt:shovill/HDM10/contigs.fa sepidermidis    59      arcC(2) aroE(1) gtr(1)  mutS(1) pyrR(2) tpiA(1) yqiL(1)
    HDM7.mlst.txt:shovill/HDM7/contigs.fa   sepidermidis    59      arcC(2) aroE(1) gtr(1)  mutS(1) pyrR(2) tpiA(1) yqiL(1)
  • run with bakta

    #under env (bakta)
    for sample in HDM1 HDM7 HDM10 HDM11-SF1 HDM15-SF2; do
        bakta --db /mnt/nvme0n1p1/bakta_db shovill/${sample}/contigs.fa --prefix ${sample}
  • mapping on assembly to calculate the coverage

    #samtools depth input.bam > depth.txt
    #samtools depth input.bam | awk '{sum+=$3} END { print "Average coverage:",sum/NR}'
    #bedtools coverage -a regions.bed -b input.bam > coverage.txt
    #bedtools coverage -a regions.bed -b input.bam -d > coverage_per_base.txt
    bwa index ./shovill/HDM1/contigs.fa
    bwa mem ./shovill/HDM1/contigs.fa fastq/HDM1_1.fastq fastq/HDM1_2.fastq > aligned.sam
    samtools view -Sb aligned.sam > aligned.bam
    samtools sort aligned.bam -o sorted.bam
    samtools index sorted.bam
    samtools depth sorted.bam > depth.txt
    awk '{sum+=$3} END { print "Average coverage:",sum/NR}' depth.txt
    bedtools coverage -a regions.bed -b sorted.bam > coverage.txt
    bedtools genomecov -ibam sorted.bam -d > coverage_per_base.txt
    # Step 1: Calculate depth using samtools
    samtools depth sorted.bam > depth.txt
    # Step 2: Calculate average depth using awk
    awk '{sum+=$3; count++} END {print "Average Coverage:", sum/count}' depth.txt
    # Step 1: Calculate coverage with bedtools for a BED file
    #bedtools coverage -a regions.bed -b input.bam > coverage.txt
    # Step 2: Process the output with awk
    #awk '{ sum+=$7 } END { print "Average coverage depth:", sum/NR }' coverage.txt
    bwa index ./shovill/HDM7/contigs.fa
    bwa mem ./shovill/HDM7/contigs.fa fastq/HDM7_1.fastq fastq/HDM7_2.fastq > aligned_HDM7.sam
    samtools view -Sb aligned_HDM7.sam > aligned_HDM7.bam
    samtools sort aligned_HDM7.bam -o sorted_HDM7.bam
    samtools index sorted_HDM7.bam
    # Step 1: Calculate depth using samtools
    samtools depth sorted_HDM7.bam > depth_HDM7.txt
    # Step 2: Calculate average depth using awk
    awk '{sum+=$3; count++} END {print "Average Coverage:", sum/count}' depth_HDM7.txt
    #Average Coverage: 380.079
    bwa index ./shovill/HDM10/contigs.fa
    bwa mem ./shovill/HDM10/contigs.fa fastq/HDM10_1.fastq fastq/HDM10_2.fastq > aligned_HDM10.sam
    samtools view -Sb aligned_HDM10.sam > aligned_HDM10.bam
    samtools sort aligned_HDM10.bam -o sorted_HDM10.bam
    samtools index sorted_HDM10.bam
    # Step 1: Calculate depth using samtools
    samtools depth sorted_HDM10.bam > depth_HDM10.txt
    # Step 2: Calculate average depth using awk
    awk '{sum+=$3; count++} END {print "Average Coverage:", sum/count}' depth_HDM10.txt
    #Average Coverage: 254.704
  • SCCmec typing and drawing with clinker

    #1. -- HDM1_contigs.fa --
    One SCCmec element detected.
    Prediction based on genes:
    Predicted SCCmec element: SCCmec_type_IV(2B)
    Prediction based on homology to whole cassette:
    Predicted whole cassette and %template coverage: SCCmec_type_IV(2B) 79.92%
    Predicted genes:
    Fasta header % Identity Query/HSP Length Contig Position in contig
    ccrA2:7:81108:AB096217  100.00  1350/1350   contig00032 3770..5119
    ccrB2:9:JCSC4469:AB097677   99.94   1650/1650   contig00032 5120..6769
    IS1272:3:AM292304   99.95   1844/1843   contig00032 8611..10454
    dmecR1:1:AB033763   100.00  987/987 contig00032 10443..11429
    mecA:12:AB505628    100.00  2010/2010   contig00032 11526..13535
    samtools faidx shovill/HDM1_contigs.fa
    samtools faidx shovill/HDM1_contigs.fa contig00032:1-13635 > HDM1_sub.fna
    bakta --db /mnt/nvme0n1p1/bakta_db HDM1_sub.fna
    #2. -- HDM7_contigs.fa --
    One SCCmec element detected.
    Prediction based on genes:
    Predicted SCCmec element: SCCmec_type_IVa(2B)
    Prediction based on homology to whole cassette:
    Predicted whole cassette and %template coverage: SCCmec_type_IVa(2B) 84.24%
    Predicted genes:
    Fasta header % Identity Query/HSP Length Contig Position in contig
    mecA:12:AB505628    100.00  2010/2010   contig00014 2800..4809
    dmecR1:1:AB033763   99.90   987/987 contig00014 4906..5892
    IS1272:3:AM292304   100.00  1843/1843   contig00014 5881..7723
    ccrB2:3:CA05:AB063172   100.00  1629/1629   contig00014 9565..11193
    ccrA2:3:CA05:AB063172   100.00  1350/1350   contig00014 11215..12564
    subtype-IVa(2B):1:CA05:AB063172 100.00  1491/1491   contig00014 16461..17951
    #IS1272:2:AB033763  91.06   1577/1585   contig00001 369260..370836
    samtools faidx shovill/HDM7_contigs.fa
    samtools faidx shovill/HDM7_contigs.fa contig00014:2700-18051 > HDM7_sub.fna
    bakta --db /mnt/nvme0n1p1/bakta_db HDM7_sub.fna
    Type I restriction enzyme HindI endonuclease subunit-like C-terminal domain-containing protein
    DUF1643 domain-containing protein
    Pyridoxal phosphate-dependent enzyme
    hypothetical protein
    DUF927 domain-containing protein
    hypothetical protein
    ACP synthase
    AAA family ATPase (= subtype-IVa(2B))
    #3. -- HDM10_contigs.fa --
    Prediction based on genes:
    Predicted SCCmec element: SCCmec_type_IV(2B&5)
    Prediction based on homology to whole cassette:
    Predicted whole cassette and % template coverage: SCCmec_type_IV(2B) 84.37%
    Predicted genes:
    Fasta header % Identity Query/HSP Length Contig Position in contig
    subtype-IVa(2B):1:CA05:AB063172 100.00  1491/1491   contig00020 4152..5642
    ccrA2:3:CA05:AB063172   100.00  1350/1350   contig00020 9539..10888
    ccrB2:3:CA05:AB063172   100.00  1629/1629   contig00020 10910..12538
    IS1272:3:AM292304   100.00  1843/1843   contig00020 14380..16222
    dmecR1:1:AB033763   100.00  987/987 contig00020 16211..17197
    mecA:12:AB505628    100.00  2010/2010   contig00020 17294..19303
    #IS1272:2:AB033763  90.75   1579/1585   contig00033 2..1580
    #ccrC1-allele-2:1:AB512767  90.95   1680/1680   contig00022 9836..11515
    samtools faidx shovill/HDM10_contigs.fa
    samtools faidx shovill/HDM10_contigs.fa contig00020:4052-19403 > HDM10_sub.fna
    bakta --db /mnt/nvme0n1p1/bakta_db HDM10_sub.fna
    #4. -- HDM11-SF1_contigs.fa --
    No SCCmec element was detected
    Prediction based on genes:
    Predicted SCCmec element: none
    Prediction based on homology to whole cassette:
    Predicted whole cassette and %template coverage: none
    #5. -- HDM15-SF2_contigs.fa --
    Following gene complexes based on prediction of genes was detected :
    ccr class 2
    ccr class 4
    mec class B
    Predicted genes:
    Fasta header % Identity Query/HSP Length Contig Position in contig
    ccrA2:7:81108:AB096217  100.00  1350/1350   contig00004 3823..5172
    ccrB2:9:JCSC4469:AB097677   99.94   1650/1650   contig00004 5173..6822
    IS1272:3:AM292304   99.95   1844/1843   contig00004 8664..10507
    dmecR1:1:AB033763   100.00  987/987 contig00004 10496..11482
    mecA:12:AB505628    100.00  2010/2010   contig00004 11579..13588
    subtyppe-Vc(5C2&5):10:AB505629  99.84   1935/1935   contig00004 20148..22082
    ccrA4:2:BK20781:FJ670542    90.53   1362/1362   contig00004 24570..25931
    ccrB4:2:BK20781:FJ670542    91.68   1635/1629   contig00004 25928..27562
    subtype-IVa(2B):1:CA05:AB063172 100.00  1491/1491   contig00015 52228..53718
    samtools faidx shovill/HDM7_contigs.fa
    samtools faidx shovill/HDM7_contigs.fa contig00014:2700-18051 > HDM7_sub.fna
    bakta --db /mnt/nvme0n1p1/bakta_db HDM7_sub.fna
    samtools faidx shovill/HDM10_contigs.fa
    samtools faidx shovill/HDM10_contigs.fa contig00020:4052-19403 > HDM10_sub.fna
    bakta --db /mnt/nvme0n1p1/bakta_db HDM10_sub.fna
    samtools faidx shovill/HDM15-SF2_contigs.fa
    samtools faidx shovill/HDM15-SF2_contigs.fa contig00004:1-27662 > HDM15-SF2_sub.fna
    samtools faidx shovill/HDM15-SF2_contigs.fa contig00015:52128-53818 >> HDM15-SF2_sub.fna
    bakta --db /mnt/nvme0n1p1/bakta_db HDM15-SF2_sub.fna
    mkdir gbff_sub
    mv *_sub.gbff gbff_sub
    cd gbff_sub
    for f in *_sub.gbff; do mv "$f" "${f/_sub.gbff/.gbff}"; done
    #mv HDM1_sub.gbff HDM1.gbff
    #mv HDM7_sub.gbff HDM7.gbff
    #mv HDM10_sub.gbff HDM10.gbff
    #mv HDM15-SF2_sub.gbff HDM15-SF2.gbff
    rm *.json
    clinker *.gbff -p plot_HDRNA.html --dont_set_origin -s session_HDRNA.json -o alignments_HDRNA.csv -dl "," -dc 4
    cp ./gbff_HDRNA_01/clinker.png HDRNA_01_clinker.png
  • Arg typing

    grep "agrD" *.gbff | sort
    HDM1.gbff:                     /gene="agrD"
    HDM1.gbff:                     /gene="agrD"
    HDM7.gbff:                     /gene="agrD"
    HDM7.gbff:                     /gene="agrD"
    HDM10.gbff:                     /gene="agrD"
    HDM10.gbff:                     /gene="agrD"
    HDM11-SF1.gbff:                     /gene="agrD"
    HDM11-SF1.gbff:                     /gene="agrD"
    HDM15-SF2.gbff:                     /gene="agrD"
    HDM15-SF2.gbff:                     /gene="agrD"
    #* The agr typing is not defined, as I have compared the sequence with the amino acid sequences of ArgD described in the paper available at https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4187671/. It does not correspond to Type I, Type II, or Type III. (For more details, see below).
    -- AgrD I --
            M  +  L +K F+  +  IG  +  + C  Y DEP+VPEELTKL E
    -- AgrD II --
    -- AgrD III --
  • calulate the presence-absence-matrix for predefined gene list

    #start codon: ATG, GTG und TTG
    #stop codon: 5'-UAA-3', 5'-UGA-3' und 5'-UAG-3' --> TAA, TGA, TAG
    # -- Hause keeper: gyrB --
    #samtools faidx Staphylococcus_epidermidis_RP62A.fasta "gi|57865352|ref|NC_002976.3|":2609812-2611743 > gyrB.fasta
    #revcomp gyrB.fasta > gyrB_revcomp.fasta
    # -- Metabolic genes: fumC, gltA, icd --
    #samtools faidx Staphylococcus_epidermidis_RP62A.fasta "gi|57865352|ref|NC_002976.3|":1444326-1445711 > fumC.fasta
    #revcomp fumC.fasta > fumC_revcomp.fasta
    #samtools faidx Staphylococcus_epidermidis_RP62A.fasta "gi|57865352|ref|NC_002976.3|":1296195-1297463 > icd.fasta
    #revcomp icd.fasta > icd_revcomp.fasta
    # -- Virulence regulartors: apsS, sigB, sarA, agrC, yycG --
    #samtools faidx Staphylococcus_epidermidis_RP62A.fasta "gi|57865352|ref|NC_002976.3|":316151-317191 > apsS.fasta
    #samtools faidx Staphylococcus_epidermidis_RP62A.fasta "gi|57865352|ref|NC_002976.3|":1722805-1723575 > sigB.fasta
    #revcomp sigB.fasta > sigB_revcomp.fasta
    #samtools faidx Staphylococcus_epidermidis_RP62A.fasta "gi|57865352|ref|NC_002976.3|":279424-279798 > sarA.fasta
    #revcomp sarA.fasta > sarA_revcomp.fasta
    # -- Toxins: psmβ1, hlb --
    # -- Biofilm formation: atlE, sdrG, sdrH, ebh, ebp, tagB --
    #samtools faidx Staphylococcus_epidermidis_RP62A.fasta "gi|57865352|ref|NC_002976.3|":1555024-1556469 > sdrH.fasta
    #revcomp sdrH.fasta > sdrH_revcomp.fasta
    #samtools faidx Staphylococcus_epidermidis_RP62A.fasta "gi|57865352|ref|NC_002976.3|":1023531-1053980 > ebh.fasta
    #revcomp ebh.fasta > ebh_revcomp.fasta
    #samtools faidx Staphylococcus_epidermidis_RP62A.fasta "gi|57865352|ref|NC_002976.3|":1094204-1095586 > ebpS.fasta
    #revcomp ebpS.fasta > ebpS_revcomp.fasta
    # -- Immune evasion & colonization: capC, sepA, dltA, fmtC, lipA, sceD, SE0760 --
    #samtools faidx Staphylococcus_epidermidis_RP62A.fasta "gi|57865352|ref|NC_002976.3|":503173-504630 > dltA.fasta
    #samtools faidx Staphylococcus_epidermidis_RP62A.fasta "gi|57865352|ref|NC_002976.3|":498445-499359 > lipA.fasta
    # -- Serine protease: esp, ecpA --
    # -- Phage: PhiSepi-HH1, PI-Sepi-HH2, PhiSepi-HH3 (#HH1-HP1, HH3-HP2, HH3-TreR) --
    #Note that write a message to Holger, say "ebp gene does not exist, instead of it only ebpS gene exists!"
    makeblastdb -in HDM1_contigs.fa -dbtype nucl
    for sample in HDM1 HDM7 HDM10 HDM11-SF1 HDM15-SF2; do
      blastn -db ../shovill/${sample}_contigs.fa -query gyrB_revcomp.fasta -evalue 1e-50 -num_threads 15 -outfmt 6 -strand both -max_target_seqs 1 > gyrB_on_${sample}.blastn
    for sample in HDM1 HDM7 HDM10 HDM11-SF1 HDM15-SF2; do
      blastn -db ../shovill/${sample}_contigs.fa -query fumC_revcomp.fasta -evalue 1e-50 -num_threads 15 -outfmt 6 -strand both -max_target_seqs 1 > fumC_on_${sample}.blastn
    for sample in HDM1 HDM7 HDM10 HDM11-SF1 HDM15-SF2; do
      blastn -db ../shovill/${sample}_contigs.fa -query gltA.fasta -evalue 1e-50 -num_threads 15 -outfmt 6 -strand both -max_target_seqs 1 > gltA_on_${sample}.blastn
    for sample in HDM1 HDM7 HDM10 HDM11-SF1 HDM15-SF2; do
      blastn -db ../shovill/${sample}_contigs.fa -query icd_revcomp.fasta -evalue 1e-50 -num_threads 15 -outfmt 6 -strand both -max_target_seqs 1 > icd_on_${sample}.blastn
    for sample in HDM1 HDM7 HDM10 HDM11-SF1 HDM15-SF2; do
      blastn -db ../shovill/${sample}_contigs.fa -query apsS.fasta -evalue 1e-50 -num_threads 15 -outfmt 6 -strand both -max_target_seqs 1 > apsS_on_${sample}.blastn
    for sample in HDM1 HDM7 HDM10 HDM11-SF1 HDM15-SF2; do
      blastn -db ../shovill/${sample}_contigs.fa -query sigB_revcomp.fasta -evalue 1e-50 -num_threads 15 -outfmt 6 -strand both -max_target_seqs 1 > sigB_on_${sample}.blastn
    for sample in HDM1 HDM7 HDM10 HDM11-SF1 HDM15-SF2; do
      blastn -db ../shovill/${sample}_contigs.fa -query sarA_revcomp.fasta -evalue 1e-50 -num_threads 15 -outfmt 6 -strand both -max_target_seqs 1 > sarA_on_${sample}.blastn
    for sample in HDM1 HDM7 HDM10 HDM11-SF1 HDM15-SF2; do
      blastn -db ../shovill/${sample}_contigs.fa -query agrC.fasta -evalue 1e-50 -num_threads 15 -outfmt 6 -strand both -max_target_seqs 1 > agrC_on_${sample}.blastn
    for sample in HDM1 HDM7 HDM10 HDM11-SF1 HDM15-SF2; do
      blastn -db ../shovill/${sample}_contigs.fa -query yycG.fasta -evalue 1e-50 -num_threads 15 -outfmt 6 -strand both -max_target_seqs 1 > yycG_on_${sample}.blastn
    for sample in HDM1 HDM7 HDM10 HDM11-SF1 HDM15-SF2; do
      blastn -db ../shovill/${sample}_contigs.fa -query psm-beta.fasta -evalue 1e-50 -num_threads 15 -outfmt 6 -strand both -max_target_seqs 1 > psm-beta_on_${sample}.blastn
    for sample in HDM1 HDM7 HDM10 HDM11-SF1 HDM15-SF2; do
      blastn -db ../shovill/${sample}_contigs.fa -query psm-beta1.fasta -evalue 1e-50 -num_threads 15 -outfmt 6 -strand both -max_target_seqs 1 > psm-beta1_on_${sample}.blastn
    for sample in HDM1 HDM7 HDM10 HDM11-SF1 HDM15-SF2; do
      blastn -db ../shovill/${sample}_contigs.fa -query hlb_.fasta -evalue 1e-50 -num_threads 15 -outfmt 6 -strand both -max_target_seqs 1 > hlb_on_${sample}.blastn
    for sample in HDM1 HDM7 HDM10 HDM11-SF1 HDM15-SF2; do
      blastn -db ../shovill/${sample}_contigs.fa -query atlE.fasta -evalue 1e-50 -num_threads 15 -outfmt 6 -strand both -max_target_seqs 1 > atlE_on_${sample}.blastn
    for sample in HDM1 HDM7 HDM10 HDM11-SF1 HDM15-SF2; do
      blastn -db ../shovill/${sample}_contigs.fa -query sdrG.fasta -evalue 1e-50 -num_threads 15 -outfmt 6 -strand both -max_target_seqs 1 > sdrG_on_${sample}.blastn
    for sample in HDM1 HDM7 HDM10 HDM11-SF1 HDM15-SF2; do
      blastn -db ../shovill/${sample}_contigs.fa -query sdrH_revcomp.fasta -evalue 1e-50 -num_threads 15 -outfmt 6 -strand both -max_target_seqs 1 > sdrH_on_${sample}.blastn
    for sample in HDM1 HDM7 HDM10 HDM11-SF1 HDM15-SF2; do
      blastn -db ../shovill/${sample}_contigs.fa -query ebh_revcomp.fasta -evalue 1e-50 -num_threads 15 -outfmt 6 -strand both -max_target_seqs 1 > ebh_on_${sample}.blastn
    for sample in HDM1 HDM7 HDM10 HDM11-SF1 HDM15-SF2; do
      blastn -db ../shovill/${sample}_contigs.fa -query ebpS_revcomp.fasta -evalue 1e-50 -num_threads 15 -outfmt 6 -strand both -max_target_seqs 1 > ebpS_on_${sample}.blastn
    for sample in HDM1 HDM7 HDM10 HDM11-SF1 HDM15-SF2; do
      blastn -db ../shovill/${sample}_contigs.fa -query tagB.fasta -evalue 1e-50 -num_threads 15 -outfmt 6 -strand both -max_target_seqs 1 > tagB_on_${sample}.blastn
    for sample in HDM1 HDM7 HDM10 HDM11-SF1 HDM15-SF2; do
      blastn -db ../shovill/${sample}_contigs.fa -query capC.fasta -evalue 1e-50 -num_threads 15 -outfmt 6 -strand both -max_target_seqs 1 > capC_on_${sample}.blastn
    for sample in HDM1 HDM7 HDM10 HDM11-SF1 HDM15-SF2; do
      blastn -db ../shovill/${sample}_contigs.fa -query sepA.fasta -evalue 1e-50 -num_threads 15 -outfmt 6 -strand both -max_target_seqs 1 > sepA_on_${sample}.blastn
    for sample in HDM1 HDM7 HDM10 HDM11-SF1 HDM15-SF2; do
      blastn -db ../shovill/${sample}_contigs.fa -query dltA.fasta -evalue 1e-50 -num_threads 15 -outfmt 6 -strand both -max_target_seqs 1 > dltA_on_${sample}.blastn
    for sample in HDM1 HDM7 HDM10 HDM11-SF1 HDM15-SF2; do
      blastn -db ../shovill/${sample}_contigs.fa -query fmtC.fasta -evalue 1e-50 -num_threads 15 -outfmt 6 -strand both -max_target_seqs 1 > fmtC_on_${sample}.blastn
    for sample in HDM1 HDM7 HDM10 HDM11-SF1 HDM15-SF2; do
      blastn -db ../shovill/${sample}_contigs.fa -query lipA.fasta -evalue 1e-50 -num_threads 15 -outfmt 6 -strand both -max_target_seqs 1 > lipA_on_${sample}.blastn
    for sample in HDM1 HDM7 HDM10 HDM11-SF1 HDM15-SF2; do
      blastn -db ../shovill/${sample}_contigs.fa -query sceD.fasta -evalue 1e-50 -num_threads 15 -outfmt 6 -strand both -max_target_seqs 1 > sceD_on_${sample}.blastn
    for sample in HDM1 HDM7 HDM10 HDM11-SF1 HDM15-SF2; do
      blastn -db ../shovill/${sample}_contigs.fa -query SE0760.fasta -evalue 1e-50 -num_threads 15 -outfmt 6 -strand both -max_target_seqs 1 > SE0760_on_${sample}.blastn
    # -- Serine protease: esp, ecpA --
    for sample in HDM1 HDM7 HDM10 HDM11-SF1 HDM15-SF2; do
      blastn -db ../shovill/${sample}_contigs.fa -query esp.fasta -evalue 1e-50 -num_threads 15 -outfmt 6 -strand both -max_target_seqs 1 > ./esp_on_${sample}.blastn
    for sample in HDM1 HDM7 HDM10 HDM11-SF1 HDM15-SF2; do
      blastn -db ../shovill/${sample}_contigs.fa -query ecpA_.fasta -evalue 1e-50 -num_threads 15 -outfmt 6 -strand both -max_target_seqs 1 > ecpA_on_${sample}.blastn
    # -- Phage: PhiSepi-HH1, PI-Sepi-HH2, PhiSepi-HH3 (#HH1-HP1, HH3-HP2, HH3-TreR) --
    #34053 (3000,2510) 36164 (500) 147057 (6618, 15237+3812, 15237+3812, 15233+3814, 15230+3812)
    for sample in HDM1 HDM7 HDM10 HDM11-SF1 HDM15-SF2; do
      blastn -db ../shovill/${sample}_contigs.fa -query MT880870.fasta -evalue 1e-50 -num_threads 15 -outfmt 6 -strand both -max_target_seqs 1 > ./MT880870_on_${sample}.blastn
    for sample in HDM1 HDM7 HDM10 HDM11-SF1 HDM15-SF2; do
      blastn -db ../shovill/${sample}_contigs.fa -query MT880871.fasta -evalue 1e-50 -num_threads 15 -outfmt 6 -strand both -max_target_seqs 1 > ./MT880871_on_${sample}.blastn
    for sample in HDM1 HDM7 HDM10 HDM11-SF1 HDM15-SF2; do
      blastn -db ../shovill/${sample}_contigs.fa -query MT880872.fasta -evalue 1e-50 -num_threads 15 -outfmt 6 -strand both -max_target_seqs 1 > MT880872_on_${sample}.blastn

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