Bio.Emboss.Applications: Wrappers for running EMBOSS tools, such as Needle and Water.
Bio.SeqIO.Example: Provides example sequence data for testing and learning.
Bio.AlignIO.Example: Provides example alignment data for testing and learning.
Bio.Align.AlignInfo: Computes various summary statistics and information content for a multiple sequence alignment.
Bio.Align.PairwiseAligner: Computes pairwise alignments between two sequences.
Bio.Motif: Represents sequence motifs, such as transcription factor binding sites.
Bio.Motif.PWM: Represents a position weight matrix, commonly used to represent sequence motifs.
Bio.Alphabet.IUPAC: Defines IUPAC codes for various sequence alphabets, such as DNA and protein.
Bio.Alphabet.Gapped: Defines a gapped sequence alphabet, used for representing alignments.
Bio.SeqIO.AceIO: Handles reading and writing ACE files, commonly used for sequencing data.
Bio.SeqIO.GameXMLIO: Handles reading and writing GAME XML files, used for gene annotation.
Bio.SeqIO.LasIO: A module in Biopython that provides a parser for the PacBio LAS file format. The LAS file format is used to store PacBio long-read sequencing data, including raw signal data, basecalls, and metadata.
Bio.SeqUtils.molecular_weight(seq) - Calculates the molecular weight of a sequence.
Bio.Phylo.PAML.codeml() - A module for running the PAML codeml program for estimating rates of evolution and selection.
Bio.AlignIO.parse(handle, format) - Parses multiple sequence alignments from a file.
Bio.Alphabet.IUPAC.unambiguous_dna - Defines the unambiguous DNA alphabet.
Bio.Seq.reverse_complement(seq) - Returns the reverse complement of a sequence.
Bio.Seq.translate(seq) - Translates a nucleotide sequence into the corresponding amino acid sequence.
Bio.SeqUtils.seq1(seq) - Converts a protein sequence from three-letter code to one-letter code.
Bio.SeqIO.write(records, handle, format) - Writes a sequence record or a list of sequence records to a file.
Bio.PDB.PDBList() - A module for downloading PDB files from the RCSB PDB server.
Bio.Blast.NCBIWWW.qblast(program, database, sequence) - Sends a sequence to the NCBI BLAST server for homology search.