There are 311 articles for you to read.

Extract beta-diversity from the Phyloseq results

Author: gene_x

Abstract: I'm pleased to know the graphs have been useful. There is a significant difference in beta diversity between Group 2 and Group 6, as demonstrated by the PCA analysis and the attached boxplot. This plo

How to run PICRUSt2 (v2)?

Author: gene_x

Abstract: > 1. Difference between unstratified and stratified In the context of PICRUSt2 (Phylogenetic Investigation of Communities by

How to install DAMIAN?

Author: gene_x

Abstract: > 1, install PostgreSQL and gem on 18.04 sudo apt-get update sudo apt install ruby-dev libffi-dev build-essential sudo apt-get install postgre

Phyloseq + MicrobiotaProcess + PICRUSt2

Author: gene_x

Abstract: 1. Phyloseq.Rmd author: "" date: '`r format(Sys.time(), "%d %m %Y")`' header-includes: - \usepackage{color, fancyvrb} output: rmdformats::readthed

QIIME + Phyloseq + MicrobiotaProcess (V2)

Author: gene_x

Abstract: [![diff_analysis_Group3_vs_Group7](/static/MicrobiotaProcess_Group3_vs_Group7/diff_analysis_Group3_vs_Group7.png "diff_analysis_Group3_vs_Group7")](/static/MicrobiotaProcess_Group3_vs_Group7/diff_anal

How to List All Methods for an Object in R

Author: gene_x

Abstract: In R, objects can belong to different classes (S3 or S4), and the methods applicable to these objects depend on their class. Below are the steps to list all methods available for an object in both the

Analysis of SNPs, InDels, transposons, and IS elements in 5 A. baumannii strains

Author: gene_x

Abstract: [![Tam_A.baumannii_5_strains](/static/brig/Tam_A.baumannii_5_strains.png "Tam_A.baumannii_5_strains")](/static/brig/Tam_A.baumannii_5_strains.png "Tam_A.baumannii_5_strains") [![Tam_A.baumannii_5_str

draw graphics on local genetic environments of SCCmec using clinker

Author: gene_x

Abstract: > TODO: read some papers about recombination and horizontal gene transfer of SCCmec > Identification and characterization of SCCmec typing with psm-mec positivity in staphylococci from patients w


Author: gene_x

Abstract: 男性性别决定了实验性中风后IL-17抗体治疗的长期神经保护效果 (Male sex determines long-term neuroprotection of an Interleukin 17 antibody treatment after experimental stroke in aged mice) > 引言 免疫系统的激活显著影响实验性中风模型中的缺血性组织损伤。激活的炎症级


Author: gene_x

Abstract: > > Project 2 Summary (Interplay between Yersinia enterocolitica and the autophagosomal/lysosomal system in epithelial host cells and organoids, 耶尔森菌与上皮宿主细胞和类器官中的自噬

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