There are 316 articles for you to read.


Author: gene_x

Abstract: "自噬体"(Autophagosome)和"核糖体"(Ribosome)是细胞生物学中的两个重要结构,它们在细胞的功能中扮演着关键角色。以下是它们的中文解释: 自噬体(Autophagosome):自噬体是细胞在自噬过程中形成的一种双层膜结构。在自噬过程中,细胞会包裹并隔离那些需要被分解和回收的细胞内部组成部分,如损坏的细胞器或过时的蛋白质。这些被包裹的物质随后被运送到溶酶体,那里它们会被降解并

Genome Databases

Author: huang

Abstract: - Ensembl Protists Genomes and Proteins - Ensembl Bacteria Genomes and Proteins - Ensembl Fungi Genomes and Proteins - Ensembl Metazoa Genomes and Proteins - Ensembl Plants Genomes and Proteins - Ense

Assembly and Variant Calling in Acinetobacter baumannii Genomes

Author: gene_x

Abstract: 1. input data #Deciphering Evolutionary Trajectories in Acinetobacter baumannii: A Comparative Study of Isolates ATCC 19606, AYE, and ATCC 17978 #PRJNA1041744

Small RNA sequencing processing in the example of smallRNA_7

Author: gene_x

Abstract: 1. adapter sequence Lexogen small RNA-Seq kit some common adapter sequences from different kits for reference: - TruSeq Small RNA (Illumina): TGGAATTCTCGGGTGCCAAGG - Small RNA Kits V1 (Il

Regulating Gene Expression in Diploid Organisms with Different Haplotypes

Author: gene_x

Abstract: If two haplotypes in a diploid organism are different, then the genome sequences for those haplotypes are also different. These genetic differences can indeed impact gene expression, and there are var

Peak and Motif analyses in Promoters

Author: gene_x

Abstract: * ./ gencode.v43.annotation.gtf.db [](/static/peaks_and_motifs_in_promoters/ "1_generate_promoter_sequ

Density of motif plots and its statistical tests

Author: gene_x

Abstract: [![Density_of_GRGGC_Motifs](/static/peaks_and_motifs_in_promoters/Density_of_GRGGC_Motifs.png "Density_of_GRGGC_Motifs")](/static/peaks_and_motifs_in_promoters/Density_of_GRGGC_Motifs.png "Density_of_

Small RNA processing

Author: gene_x

Abstract: Small RNA sequencing is a type of RNA-sequencing (RNA-seq) that specifically targets and sequences small RNA molecules in a sample. RNA-seq is a technique that uses next-generation sequencing (NGS) t

ChIP-seq using HOMER (-style factor, findPeaks + default

Author: gene_x

Abstract: 1. nextflow ChIP-seq run for NHDF_p783 #under Raw_Data for ChIP-seq ln -s ./230306_NB501882_0417_AHMVHHBGXN/2023_022_nf_denise/nf859/3_NHDF_Donor_1_p783_input_S5_R1_001.fastq.gz p783

Prepare the databases for vrap

Author: gene_x

Abstract: 1. I used an strategy, at first annotate the contigs using the virus-speicific data and bacteria-speicific data, then using more general databases nt and nr. The results are as attached. For some samp

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