There are 316 articles for you to read.

Processing Spatial Transcriptomics Data Using Space Ranger

Author: gene_x

Abstract: Using spaceranger to process spatial transcriptomics data involves several steps, from preparing the necessary input files to running the analysis and interpreting the results. Below, I'll provide a c

How to Create a New User on Ubuntu Server?

Author: gene_x

Abstract: 1. Restricting User 'malawi' from Installing System-wide Programs and Verifying Permissions chmod o-rx /home/jhuang ls -ld /home/jhuang cd /home/jhuang groups malawi

ChIP-seq using HOMER (-stype histone, macs2 or SICER + custom getDifferentialPeaksReplicates_broad[narrow].pl)

Author: gene_x

Abstract: 1. nextflow processing data (chipseq) jhuang@hamm:/mnt/h1/jhuang/DATA/Data_Denise_LT_DNA_Binding/Histone-ChIP_hg38/H3K27ac_H3K4me1_public$ nextflow run NGI-ChIPseq/ --reads '/mnt/h1/jh

sT manuscript revision: log2FC of sT itself at 3 and 8 dpt

Author: gene_x

Abstract: [![PCA_3D](/static/sT_revision/PCA_3D.png "PCA_3D")](/static/sT_revision/PCA_3D.png "PCA_3D") [![p604_d3_vs_p601_d3](/static/sT_revision/p604_d3_vs_p601_d3.png "p604_d3_vs_p601_d3")](/static/sT_revi

Kraken2 Installation and Usage Guide

Author: gene_x

Abstract: kraken2 --db Minikraken2_v2 input_sequences.fasta --output output.kraken2 kraken2 --db=/home/jhuang/Tools/k2_standard_20230605 --output=A10_output.txt --report=A10_report.txt --paired ./results_ATCC1

Using vrap and bacto to process Acinetobacter baumannii isolates

Author: gene_x

Abstract: 1. input data #Deciphering Evolutionary Trajectories in Acinetobacter baumannii: A Comparative Study of Isolates ATCC 19606, AYE, and ATCC 17978 #PRJNA1041744

How to run the pipeline vrap?

Author: gene_x

Abstract: 1. download viral database cp sed -i -e 's/39733/1396/g' #NOTE the cannot run alone, rather than via " -u

A decade of advances in transposon-insertion sequencing

Author: gene_x

Abstract: 摘要 自现代转座子插入测序(TIS)方法引入以来已有10年的时间了。这些方法结合了全基因组转座子突变和高通量测序,用于估计细菌基因组中每个遗传组分的适应性贡献或必需性。2009年,发布了四种TIS变体:转座子测序(Tn-Seq)、转座子定向插入位点测序(TraDIS)、插入测序(INSeq)和高通量插入跟踪深度测序(HITS)。此后,TIS已成为分子微生物学家的重要工具之一,它是少数直接将表

Calling peaks using findPeaks of HOMER

Author: gene_x

Abstract: > [![peak-comparison](/static/peaks_and_motifs_in_promoters/peak-comparison.png "peak-comparison")](/static/peaks_

Scaffolding and finishing an assembly with a reference genome

Author: gene_x

Abstract: Below are example commands for each step of scaffolding and finishing an assembly with a reference genome. Please note that the specific parameters may need to be adjusted based on your data and compu

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