There are 316 articles for you to read.

Plasmid Design for Genetic Engineering

Author: gene_x

Abstract: Plasmid design is a critical aspect of molecular biology and genetic engineering, where a circular DNA molecule (plasmid) is engineered to replicate within a host organism independently. Here's an ove

LT manuscript TODOs

Author: gene_x

Abstract: 1. Define "promoter types" by examining the frequency and distribution of the 'GRGGC' motif on both + and - strands within the promoter region, and categorize promoters based on the identified "promot

Transposable element (TEs) and structural variant (SV) detection in bacterial genomes

Author: gene_x

Abstract: For a bacterial genome such as Acinetobacter baumannii, the pipeline would be slightly different than the one used for the human due to the simpler genome structure, the absence of introns, and the di

Genomic Organization of Merkel cell polyomavirus (MCPyV)

Author: gene_x

Abstract: Based on the provided image of the MCPyV (Merkel cell polyomavirus) genome, it appears that ALTO is positioned between the LT (Large T antigen) and sT (small T antigen) regions. However, it's not enti


Author: gene_x

Abstract: Inflammasomes at the crossroads of innate and cell-autonomous immunity 炎症体位于先天免疫和细胞自主免疫的交汇点,其在我们体内的免疫防御中发挥着重要作用。 先天免疫是我们身体对抗病原体(如细菌、病毒和其他有害微生物)的第一道防线。它包括一系列的防御机制,如皮肤、粘液层和吞噬细胞等,这些机制可以迅速识别和消灭入侵者。 细胞自

pheatmap vs heatmap.2

Author: gene_x

Abstract: [![viral_deg_pheatmap](/static/deg_heatmaps/viral_deg_pheatmap.png "viral_deg_pheatmap")](/static/deg_heatmaps/viral_deg_pheatmap.png "viral_deg_pheatmap") [![viral_deg_heatmap2](/static/deg_heatmaps

RNA-seq analysis for characterizing HSV-1 infection of human skin organoid

Author: gene_x

Abstract: 单纯疱疹性脑炎是由单纯疱疹病毒(HSVs)引起的中枢神经系统的致命疾病。在使用抗病毒药物阿昔洛韦进行标准治疗后,大多数患者仍然出现各种神经后遗症。在这里,我们通过结合单细胞RNA测序、电生理和免疫染色来描述人脑器官样本中的HSV-1感染。我们观察到组织完整性、神经元功能和细胞转录组的强烈扰动。在阿昔洛韦治疗下,病毒复制被停止,但并未防止HSV-1引发的缺陷,如神经元过程和神经上皮的损伤。对感染后失

GSVA-plot for carotis RNA-seq data

Author: gene_x

Abstract: [![Carotis_RNA-seq_grid_1](/static/carotis_plots/Carotis_RNA-seq_grid_1.png "Carotis_RNA-seq_grid_1")](/static/carotis_plots/Carotis_RNA-seq_grid_1.png "Carotis_RNA-seq_grid_1") 1. preparing gene exp

GSVA-plot for carotis nanoString data

Author: gene_x

Abstract: [![Carotis_NanoString](/static/carotis_plots/Carotis_NanoString.png "Carotis_NanoString")](/static/carotis_plots/Carotis_NanoString.png "Carotis_NanoString") [![Carotis_NanoString_grid_1](/static/car

Plotting Alpha Diversities from 16S rRNA Sequencing Data

Author: gene_x

Abstract: Plot Chao1 richness estimator, Observed OTUs, Shannon index, and Phylogenetic diversity. Regroup together samples from the same group. [![alpha_diversity1_resized](/static/plotting_alpha_diversities/

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