There are 316 articles for you to read.

RNA-seq skin organoids on GRCh38+chrHsv1 (final)

Author: gene_x

Abstract: [![PCA_3D_cropped](/static/rnaseq_skin_organoid_herpesvirus/PCA_3D_cropped.png "PCA_3D_cropped")](/static/rnaseq_skin_organoid_herpesvirus/PCA_3D_cropped.png "PCA_3D_cropped") [![normalization_small]

Normalization of RNA-seq and ChIP-seq data

Author: gene_x

Abstract: Normalization methods for RNA-seq data 1. DESeq (RLE - Relative Log Expression): - Goal: To normalize for differences in library size and distribution of read counts. - Method: Uses a medi

RNA-seq skin organoids on GRCh38+chrHsv1

Author: gene_x

Abstract: 3. import data and pca-plot # Import the required libraries library("AnnotationDbi") library("clusterProfiler") library("ReactomePA") library(gplots) l

RNA-seq on sage

Author: gene_x

Abstract: 1. TODO on sage check the alignment of the reads to the annotation which sent from Munich is very bad, using the reference X14112 instead, find the CMV-GFP in the genome. Using alignment to detec

Genomic Organization of Herpes Simplex Virus type 1 (HSV-1 s17)

Author: gene_x

Abstract: [![chrHsv1_s17_genomic_organization.png](/static/chrHsv1_genomic_annotation/chrHsv1_s17_genomic_organization.png "chrHsv1_s17_genomic_organization.png")](/static/chrHsv1_genomic_annotation/chrHsv1_s17

Problembehebung bei langsamer Installation von OpenJDK mit Conda

Author: gene_x

Abstract: 1. Verwenden Sie Mamba: Mamba ist eine schnellere Alternative zu Conda und kann Pakete und deren Abhängigkeiten schneller auflösen und installieren. Sie können es mit 'conda install mamba' installiere

RNAseq Refinement of Viral Sequences with StringTie

Author: gene_x

Abstract: A common tool to utilize RNAseq data to correct or enhance a reference genome, especially for viruses, is StringTie. This tool is primarily designed for transcript assembly and quantification based on

HSV Types and Toll-Like Receptors' Role in Immunity

Author: gene_x

Abstract: 1. Herpes Simplex Virus 1 (HSV-1) and Herpes Simplex Virus 2 (HSV-2) are closely related viruses that belong to the Herpesviridae family. Both viruses have a similar genomic structure but differ in th

RNAseq Analysis LT-K331A-LTtr-control

Author: gene_x

Abstract: 0. nextflow (rnaseq) [jhuang@sage Data_Denise_LT_RNAseq]$ nextflow run rnaseq/ --input samplesheet.csv --outdir results_GRCh38 --genome GRCh38 -profile test_full -resume --max_memor

Compressing Y-Axis Ranges in Volcano Plots (火山图)

Author: gene_x

Abstract: Volcano plots are graphical representations of the significance versus fold-change for values obtained from a particular data analysis. They are especially useful in high-throughput studies, such as g

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