There are 316 articles for you to read.

RNAseq Analysis Overview of Osteoblasts Infected with S. epidermidis Strains

Author: gene_x

Abstract: The analysis provides insights into the osteoblasts' response when infected with two distinct strains of S. epidermidis: the biofilm-positive 1457 and its biofilm-negative counterpart 1457-M10. The PC

Differential Gene Analysis and Visualization for HSC Methylome Data

Author: gene_x

Abstract: A Gene Ontology (GO) enrichment analysis was conducted on differential genes derived from both male and female conditions. The datasets were imported and preprocessed, followed by the application of t


Author: gene_x

Abstract: 1. 引言 高度易感的感染或导致哮喘和过敏的过度反应免疫影响着大量儿童,成为主要的全球健康问题。免疫细胞、红细胞和血小板通过所谓的造血过程发展,该过程始于产前,并在从无菌的子宫到富含微生物的世界的过渡中赋予后代免疫力。出生后,免疫发展继续变得更为复杂,反应也变得更为精细。其缺陷,在受到损害或免疫过度反应的儿童中,已经与多个因素相关,如出生方式和胎龄、母乳喂养,以及更近期的产前压力暴露。事

Ensembl Annotation for Gene Expression Data

Author: gene_x

Abstract: The code provided is designed to annotate a list of genes by fetching associated gene information from the Ensembl database. Starting with the biomaRt library, it connects to the Ensembl dataset speci

Tool "Protein Charge Calculator"

Author: gene_x

Abstract: 1. Update the Model: In your model (tools/, add the charge and proportion fields to the ProteinChargeCalculator model: # tools/ from django.db import models

A simple Django view that handles both GET and POST requests 2

Author: gene_x

Abstract: > Using Model 1. Define your model: #In course/ from django.db import models class Message(models.Model): content = models.TextField() cre

A simple Django view that handles both GET and POST requests

Author: gene_x

Abstract: Below is a simple Django view that handles both GET and POST requests. This view will render a basic HTML form on a GET request and process the form submission on a POST request: 1. First, let's crea

Understanding xrandr Output and Connection Types

Author: gene_x

Abstract: xrandr Screen 0: minimum 8 x 8, current 3840 x 1080, maximum 16384 x 16384 VGA-0 connected primary 1920x1080+0+0 (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) 521mm x 293mm 1920x1080

Gene Set Variation Analysis (GSVA) and Visualization of Gene Sets from Excel Signatures

Author: gene_x

Abstract: #install.packages("readxl") library(readxl) # Path to the Excel file file_path <- "Signatures.xls" #example of a signature: #geneSymbol geneEntrezID ENSEMBL GeneSet

Generation of Heatmap from DEGs Data and Annotation of Identified Gene Clusters

Author: gene_x

Abstract: This script is structured to process gene expression data, specifically DEGs (Differentially Expressed Genes) and create a heatmap visualizing the patterns of the data. The steps involved are as follo

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