There are 316 articles for you to read.


Author: gene_x

Abstract: T cells and B cells interact in several ways as part of the immune response. Here's a general overview of their interaction: Antigen presentation: When a pathogen invades the body, it is engulfed by

Peak calling using homer combining sicer and macs2

Author: gene_x

Abstract: 1. nextflow processing data V_8_1_6_p601_d8_D1_H3K4me3.fastq.gz,V_8_1_6_p601_d8_D1_input.fastq.gz,p601_H3K4me3_D1 V_8_1_5_p601_d8_D2_H3K4me3.fastq.gz,V_8_1_5_p601_d8_D2_input.fastq.gz

prepare virus X14112 gtf for nextflow running

Author: gene_x

Abstract: 1. install conda environment rnaseq_2021 conda create -n rnaseq_2021 python=3.6.7 conda activate rnaseq_2021 conda install -c conda-forge -c bioconda -c defaults nextflow=21.04 fastqc=0.11.8 t

Yersinia outer proteins (Yops) analysis

Author: gene_x

Abstract: 1. This step uses rsync to download data from the NCBI server to a local directory, save all gff-files in the directory prokka. rsync --copy-links --recursive --times --verbose rsync://

Prepare virus GTF for nextflow run

Author: gene_x

Abstract: 1. Prepare GTF for non-model virus * The gffread command you're using is designed to convert GFF format files to GTF format, but it doesn't necessarily preserve all the attribute information. The

RNAseq processing for organoids

Author: gene_x

Abstract: 1. install conda environment #conda config --set auto_activate_base false conda create --name rnaseq python=3.7 #NOTE: mamba 确实快多了,以后都用 mamba❕ #install packages


Author: gene_x

Abstract: 类器官(Organoids)是模拟真实器官或组织的结构和功能的三维(3D)细胞培养。它们来源于干细胞,这种细胞具有自我更新和分化为各种细胞类型的能力。在实验室中,可以使用专门的技术和生长条件培养类器官,促使干细胞发育成特定器官的细胞并形成类似目标器官的复杂微型结构。 类器官在研究中具有重要作用,因为与传统的二维(2D)细胞培养相比,它们更准确地代表了人体器官。它们在各个领域具有广泛的应用,包括:

X-ray holographic microscopy

Author: gene_x

Abstract: X-ray holographic microscopy is a technique used to produce high-resolution, three-dimensional images of microscopic objects. The technique is based on the principles of holography, where the phase an

RNAseq running with umi_tools

Author: gene_x

Abstract: 1. install conda environment #conda config --set auto_activate_base false conda create --name rnaseq python=3.7 #NOTE: mamba 确实快多了,以后都用 mamba❕ #install packages

Epidome processing

Author: gene_x

Abstract: 1. Raw_Data #Here are some more information on the two sample collections for epidome sequencing: 9+10+33=52 #Samples 7N-15N are nose swabs of 9 individual patients, and 16-20F/N are

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