There are 313 articles for you to read.

Key Bioconductor and R Packages for Bioinformatics

Author: gene_x

Abstract: Top Bioconductor Packages * DESeq2: Differential gene expression analysis based on the negative binomial distribution. * edgeR: Differential expression analysis of RNA-Seq and other count data. * lim

Tn-seq analysis pipeline (improved2)

Author: gene_x

Abstract: [![tnseq_principle](/static/transposon_seq_strategies/tnseq_principle.png "tnseq_principle")](/static/transposon_seq_strategies/tnseq_principle.png "tnseq_principle") [![circos](/static/transposon_se

Copy a Conda environment from one computer to another

Author: gene_x

Abstract: 1, Export the Conda Environment On the original computer, you can export the environment to a YAML file. This file will contain all the necessary details about the environment, including the packag

Viral variant calling

Author: gene_x

Abstract: 1: trimming using trimmomatic mkdir trimmed bams for sample in hCoV229E_Rluc p10_DMSO p10_K22 p10_K7523; do \ java -jar /home/jhuang/Tools/Trimmomatic-0.36/trimmomatic-0.3

IS Elements and Bacterial Genomic DNA Structure

Author: gene_x

Abstract: IS元件(Insertion Sequence,简称IS)是最小和最且最常见的自主转座元件(TEs)。它们是一种短的DNA片段,长度在400到10,000个碱基对之间,通常编码一个转座酶(Tpase),该酶能够催化IS元件在基因组内或基因组间的移动。 IS元件(Insertion Sequence): IS元件是一种短的DNA序列,通常包含一个或多个基因,其中至少包括一个编码转座酶的基因。这些基


Author: gene_x

Abstract: 1. 来球时引拍时跟球一起往回转,然后身体跟手臂一起再往前转(这里需要🈶夹紧的感觉),才能自然的转腰; 2. 手臂不能夹太紧+手远一点+拍型外展=就是一条线; 3. 收回到眉心,注意向上(往上挑的感觉); 4. 加分点:在触⚽️时加速⏩ 【这个有可能被全世爆误导了,制动,所以太早减速了!】 5. (As Jan mentioned) 核心是快速应激反应:⚠️快速下腰准备,夹臂向右上↗️转腰(因为

Bildschirmarbeitsplatzbrille vs Gleitsichtbrille (Progressive Lenses)

Author: gene_x

Abstract: 1. Sehtest Ergebnisse #Im Jahr 2024 von Alster Optik ???? #Im Jahr 2024 von SICHTWERK Augenärzte F R +0.75 -1.50 160 L +0.50 -0.75 170

Tn-seq analysis pipeline (improved)

Author: gene_x

Abstract: 1. quality control ./240606_VH00358_96_AAFCFJGM5/kr11/initial_mutants_a_2_S6_R1_001.fastq.gz ./240606_VH00358_96_AAFCFJGM5/kr11/initial_mutants_a_2_S6_R2_001.fastq.gz ./240606

Step-by-Step Analysis of Transposon Insertion Sites

Author: gene_x

Abstract: [![Transposon_Seq_Strategie-0](/static/transposon_seq_strategies/Transposon_Seq_Strategie-0.png "Transposon_Seq_Strategie-0")](/static/transposon_seq_strategies/Transposon_Seq_Strategie-0.png "Transpo


Author: gene_x

Abstract: The two records in the SAM-format represent two reads that are part of a pair from the sequencing data. Below is the analysis of these two records: Record 1 VH00358:89:AAFC5MTM5:1:1101:62048:1038_:N

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